Skincare Routine For Oily Skin: Try These 5 Homemade De-Tan Face Masks For Glowing Skin



People with oily skin often find it challenging to take care of their skin, especially in the summer. The heat can worsen skin issues, resulting in increased oil production, acne breakouts, and persistent tanning. A good skincare routine tailored to oily skin can help alleviate these problems, keeping your skin fresh, clear, and glowing. One effective way to maintain healthy skin is by using homemade de-tan face masks. These masks, made from natural ingredients, are not only cost-effective but also free from harsh chemicals that can irritate oily skin. Lemon and Honey Face Mask Lemon is rich in vitamin C and citric acid, which help in lightening skin and reducing tan. Honey is a natural humectant, which means it retains moisture without making the skin oily. This mask helps in reducing tan and brightening the skin. The antibacterial properties of honey also help in preventing acne. Ingredients 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon honey Instructions Start by mixing lemon juice and honey in a bowl. Next, apply the paste to your face and leave it on your skin for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse your face with lukewarm water to get the desired results. Turmeric and Yogurt Face Mask Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, while yoghurt contains lactic acid which helps in exfoliating and soothing the skin. This mask reduces pigmentation and tan while providing a cooling effect, which is particularly beneficial for oily skin in summer. Ingredients 1 teaspoon turmeric powder 2 tablespoons plain yoghurt Instructions Take a bowl and add turmeric powder and yoghurt until you form a smooth paste. Apply it to your face and neck. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. Cucumber and Aloe Vera Face Mask Cucumber and aloe vera are both incredibly hydrating and soothing for the skin. Cucumber helps in reducing tan and inflammation, while aloe vera has healing properties. This mask helps in de-tanning, hydrating, and soothing sunburnt skin, making it ideal for hot summer days. Ingredients 1 cucumber 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel Instructions Blend the cucumber to a pulp. Mix the cucumber pulp with aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture to your face. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Tomato and Gram Flour Face Mask Tomato contains antioxidants and Vitamin C, which can help lighten tan and blemishes. Gram flour (besan) naturally eliminates dead skin cells and excess oil from the skin. This mask efficiently diminishes tan, regulates excess oil, and exfoliates the skin, resulting in a smooth and radiant complexion. Ingredients 1 ripe tomato 2 tablespoons gram flour Instructions Blend the tomato into a puree. Mix it with gram flour to form a thick paste. Spread the paste over your face and neck, and let it sit for 15-20 minutes until it dries. Rinse with lukewarm water in circular motions. Papaya and Lemon Juice Face Mask Papaya contains enzymes like papain that help in skin exfoliation and tan removal. Lemon juice enhances the brightening effect. This mask not only de-tans but also imparts a natural glow to the skin. The enzymatic action of papaya helps in skin renewal. Ingredients 1/2 cup ripe papaya chunks 1 tablespoon lemon juice Instructions Mash the papaya chunks into a smooth paste. Add lemon juice and mix well. Apply the mask to your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Additional Tips for Oily Skin Care in Summer Stay Hydrated: Water is essential for maintaining the internal moisture balance of your skin.  Use a Gentle Cleanser: Opt for a mild, oil-free cleanser to remove dirt and excess oil without stripping your skin. Apply Sunscreen: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Moisturise: Choose a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated without clogging pores. Exfoliate Regularly: Exfoliate 2-3 times a week to remove dead skin cells and prevent acne. [Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your expert before using anything on your skin, especially if you are dealing with any health issues.]Read NextPregnancy Skin Care: Expert Shares What To Use And What To AvoidDisclaimer All possible measures have been taken to ensure accuracy, reliability, timeliness and authenticity of the information; however does not take any liability for the same. Using any information provided by the website is solely at the viewers’ discretion. In case of any medical exigencies/ persistent health issues, we advise you to seek a qualified medical practitioner before putting to use any advice/tips given by our team or any third party in form of answers/comments on the above mentioned website.

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