Post Workout Skincare: Expert Lists Effective Routine To Prevent Breakouts



Working up a sweat at the gym or doing your favourite exercise routine feels great. But what’s not so great is the havoc that it can cause to your skin if you don’t give it some post-workout TLC (Tender Loving Care). Sweat, dirt, and bacteria can clog pores, causing unwanted breakouts. That’s why it’s critical to have a quick and effective skincare routine for cleansing and refreshing your skin after each workout. We spoke to our expert Sakshi Kumari, Beauty Expert, Orgatre, who explained the basics of post-workout skincare and listed some extra tips to keep your skin glowing and healthy. According to a 2021 study, skin issues can arise irrespective of age, ranging from acne among adolescents to dryness in older individuals. These conditions can lead to psychological distress and physical discomfort, such as itchiness, consequently impacting one’s quality of life. Maintaining optimal skin health is crucial for both mental and physical well-being, underscoring the significance of diligent skin care practices. Importance of Cleaning “Sweat from a workout can mix with dirt and bacteria, creating a breeding ground for breakouts. Cleaning your skin after a workout is essential for removing impurities and preventing breakouts”, said Kumari. Choose a gentle cleanser suitable for all skin types to effectively cleanse without removing natural oils. Look for ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to combat acne-causing bacteria while keeping your skin healthy. Gentle Cleanser Recommendation Choose a gentle cleanser that will not irritate your skin while effectively removing sweat, dirt, and bacteria. You can also use DIY Cleansers like: Honey and Aloe Vera: Mix one tablespoon of raw honey and two tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Massage this mixture into your damp skin and then rinse off. Oatmeal and Yoghurt: Combine two tablespoons of plain yoghurt and one tablespoon of finely ground oatmeal. Apply, massage, and rinse. Cucumber and Mint: Mix 1/2 cucumber and fresh mint leaves, strain, and apply the juice to your face. Coconut Oil and Green Tea: Mix one tablespoon of melted coconut oil and two tablespoons of cooled green tea. Apply, massage, and rinse. Before using new ingredients, test them on a small area of your skin, especially if it is sensitive. Moisturise after cleansing. Enjoy the natural pampering! Also Read: Glycolic Acid For Skincare: Expert Lists Its Benefits And How To Use It Moisturising “After a workout, your skin may feel parched due to excessive sweating. Replenishing lost moisture is critical for avoiding dehydration and maintaining a healthy skin barrier. Use a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturiser to keep your skin hydrated without clogging your pores”, said Kumari. Spot Treatment Despite our best efforts, breakouts can still occur. This is where spot treatments come in handy. You should look for acne control serums that contain salicylic acid or tea tree oil to quickly and effectively treat pesky blemishes. Apply a small amount to the affected areas after your workout to help prevent breakouts from worsening. Hydration Tips “Hydration is essential for healthy, glowing skin, both inside and out. Drink plenty of water after a workout to replace lost fluids and keep your skin hydrated from within. You can consider using a toner infused with hydrating ingredients, such as aloe vera and cucumber for an instant hydration boost on the go”, Kumari. Simply spray on your face and gently pat until absorbed for instantly refreshed skin. Avoid Touching the Face We’ve all been guilty of unintentionally touching our faces, but post-workout is not the time to do so. Sweat and bacteria from gym equipment can transfer to your skin, causing breakouts. Keep your hands away from your face, and if you need to remove sweat, use a clean towel or tissue instead. Changing Clothing “After a sweaty workout, it’s important to change out of your workout clothes right away. If sweat and bacteria remain on the skin for an extended period, they can cause irritation and breakouts”, added Kumari. Choose moisture-wicking fabrics that draw sweat away from the skin, and be sure to wash your workout gear regularly to prevent bacteria buildup. Healthy Lifestyle Skincare is more than just the products you use; it’s about living a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise improves blood circulation, nourishing skin cells and giving you that post-workout glow. A well-balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins contains essential nutrients that promote skin health. And don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s rest; it’s called beauty sleep for a reason! Also Read: Vitamin C For Skincare: Experts Explain How It Helps In Reducing Wrinkles And Pigmentation Additional Tips For Post-Workout Skincare Kumari shared additional tips to take your post-workout skincare routine to the next level: Cool Down With a Cold Splash: After your workout, splash cold water on your face to help close your pores and reduce redness. DIY Face Masks: To soothe and hydrate your skin after a workout, try a DIY face mask made with honey, yoghurt, or avocado. Exfoliate Weekly: Add a gentle exfoliator to your skincare routine once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells and reveal smoother, brighter skin. Sun Protection: Even if it’s cloudy outside, remember to apply sunscreen before heading out after your workout to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Care for Your Hair: If you have long hair, tie it back during your workout to keep sweat and oils from transferring to your face and causing breakouts. By following these tips and incorporating a post-workout skincare routine into your routine, you can keep your skin clear, refreshed, and glowing even after the most strenuous workout. So, break a sweat and then love your skin—it deserves it! [Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your expert if you are dealing with any skin issues to rule out the complications.]Read NextOlivia Culpo Removes Lip Filler Ahead Of Her Wedding; All About Lip AugmentationDisclaimer All possible measures have been taken to ensure accuracy, reliability, timeliness and authenticity of the information; however does not take any liability for the same. Using any information provided by the website is solely at the viewers’ discretion. In case of any medical exigencies/ persistent health issues, we advise you to seek a qualified medical practitioner before putting to use any advice/tips given by our team or any third party in form of answers/comments on the above mentioned website.

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