Peripheral artery disease and your feet: symptoms and treatment



What is Peripheral Artery Disease?

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition that occurs when the blood vessels outside of your heart, particularly the arteries that supply blood to your limbs become narrowed or blocked. This narrowing is often caused by atherosclerosis, a build-up of plaque that is made up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in the artery walls. As a result, blood flow to the limbs is reduced, leading to various symptoms and complications.

Symptoms of PAD

Symptoms of peripheral artery disease (PAD) that affect the feet include:

Numbness, tingling, or a cold sensation in the feet or toes

Hair loss or slower hair growth on the legs and feet

Changes in skin colour or texture such as smooth skin

Thickened, discoloured toenails

Slow-healing sores or wounds, which also increases the risk of further infection

Cramping, pain, or weakness in the foot and leg muscles during physical activity like walking or climbing stairs, called intermittent claudication

People with PAD may also have weak pulses in the feet and legs which can impact mobility and ultimately the quality of life. The sooner you receive professional treatment of PAD, the better you will be able to manage the condition as you get older.

At Sanders Podiatry, how do we help people with PAD?

Our team of friendly podiatrists located in Linden Park, Stirling and Mount Barker work with many people who experience symptoms of PAD. Our ongoing podiatry care will help keep your feet healthy and mobile.

Diagnosis: We manage PAD by assessing the signs and symptoms such as reduced pulses, changes in skin colour or texture, slow-healing wounds, and pain during physical activity. We may recommend you visit your local GP for further treatment.

Regular foot care: Regular foot care for people with PAD is recommended. During a podiatry treatment, we will trim toenails, treat calluses or corns, and attend to wounds or ulcers that may result from poor circulation.

Advice on lifestyle: we’ll suggest lifestyle changes to manage PAD, such as regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, and managing diabetes or other high risk foot conditions.

Footwear Recommendations: Appropriate footwear is very important for people with PAD to improve comfort, prevent pressure points, and reduce the risk of foot complications.

Related article: – 7 things your feet can tell you about your overall health and wellbeing

Sanders Podiatry Clinics are located in Stirling, Mt Barker and Linden Park

Our family friendly podiatry clinics welcome all ages with a wide range of conditions.

We use a variety of therapies including exercise programs, strapping, dry needling, mobilisation, orthotics and ongoing advice and education. Our podiatrists provide general foot care, including routine skin and nail management, as well as diabetes assessments and education.

Please phone us and make an appointment at one of our clinics below.

Sander Podiatry Adelaide – 08 8379 1456  (Greenhill Podiatry)

Sander Podiatry Stirling – 08 8339 3344

Sander Podiatry Mount Barker –  08 8370 1590

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